GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING is the perfect way for you to learn how to move well and therefore feel amazing for a fraction of the price of 1:1 training yet with the added bonus of being amongst other like minded people who also wish to learn how to become Strong, Fit & Flexible.

We will figure out your strengths whilst at the same time, find out your weaknesses. Only by working on your weaknesses, will you start making progress and notice the benefits.

We will never use mindless machines. Your body is the most sophisticated machine ever created. Therefore we will use it for what it was designed for. We will predominantly be focusing on bodyweight training and eventually use free weights.

Calisthenics, Gymnastics, Boxing, Skipping, Primal patterns, Mobility, Flexibility, Weightlifting, Conditioning, Coreditioning and many more useful and mindful skills and practices will all be addressed. We will prioritise form. Form before ego. Quality before quantity.

My aim is for you to understand how your body works and help you feel confident and comfortable with what you are doing, how to do it, when to do it, when not to do it, what muscles you are using, and how you should and should not be feeling during and after.

Genuine lifestyle changes take time, commitment, patience, consistency, discipline and honest hard work. There is no such thing as a quick fix.

We will focus on progress and trust in the process rather than placing unnecessary pressure on results.

We will work to avoid any unnecessary injuries with our main focus and attention on Longevity. We will never practice anything you are uncomfortable with and always put safety first.

We will always keep things mentally and physically challenging, interesting and most of all, enjoyable.